Going to the Sphere...Maybe

March 17. Day #4. Ted came by after work to make me the most delicious wild caught sea bass. It was so buttery and tender. We ate it with the steamed artichokes he made with a few dipping options. Ted knows I am a big dipper. I love condiments. It was awesome that he had 3 different dipping sauces. Yum! He is such an amazing cook. That's another thing I appreciate about him. And he loves to do it. And I love to be on the receiving end, eating his healthy meals and enjoying every bite made with love.

After dinner, Ted took off back to Laguna Beach. His son was home and wasn't feeling well. As he left, he mentioned he was thinking about taking us to Vegas and seeing Dead and Company at the Sphere. WHAT? I've heard about the Sphere in Las Vegas, but I haven't been there. I don't have a bucket list, but I think if I had one, that would be on it. It looks so amazing from the videos I've seen. I wondered if I'd ever get inside of it. And Boom? Just like that, out of the blue, Ted is saying we might go. We kissed and he was off for his 1 1/2 drive home navigating LA traffic.

I know Dead and Company has something to do with the Grateful Dead, but I never was a Grateful Dead person. Or a Deadhead I guess they're called. I think Deadheads are the die-hard traveling fans, but I don't know much about the band. That is something I love about Ted - he's into music. He is a musician. He was in bands back in the day. Singer and guitar player. He plays an amazing guitar, although he says he doesn't. I love many things about him. Some being how educated and well-read he is. How into music he is. How thoughtful he is. I like how deliberately he moves -the opposite of my flitting about. We really are opposites. Sometimes I think, "Does he need more then my intellect? Does he need super-deep intellectual conversations?" Then I am reminded of Billy Joel's song Just the Way You Are: “I don't want clever conversation. I never want to work that hard. mm, mm-mm ,mm-hmm I just want someone that I can talk to. I want you just the way you are.”  The way he touches me, the way he looks into my eyes, I believe he does want me just the way I am.  

I think I will Google Dead and Company and read more about them. 
Holy heck! John Mayer is the lead singer. I guess he replaced Jerry Garcia. I know Ted will educate me on how all of that went down. I always thought I would die a top 40 girl, but I am loving how Ted is turning me on to all kinds of different music, including jazz and bluegrass. I'm excited to see John Mayer and the Sphere! I hope we go. How exciting!