Working With Your Spouse!?

It’s nice to remember the fun and sweet moments when you are divorcing or divorced. If you have children together, you will most likely be connected for life. ⁠

I choose to love David Koechner in a new way. Remembering the good, in gratitude for the love, support, the beautiful family we created, and all that we taught each other. ⁠

Our relationship ran its course in marriage. We are no longer partners in life. It went down the exact way it was supposed to release us both for the next chapter of our lives. ⁠

The pulling apart and ending a marriage hurts. Feeling the pain and grieving are necessary for healing.⁠

Then you can choose to skip suffering. You can move into curiosity, gratitude, and move into a new kind of love- a new incarnation. ⁠

Life is impermanent. Everything changes. Change is good, even when we don’t think so at the time. ⁠

If you are feeling alone, abandoned, sad, or in suffering, reach out to me by texting the word Leigh to the number 41242, answer a few automated questions then sign up for a complimentary 15-minute call with me. I can’t wait to give you the tools to crawl out and stand in your power. ⁠

Life is happening for you, not to you. ⁠

Divorce sucks, but you don’t have to suffer. ⁠

I encourage you to check out my bio and watch my free Makeup or Break Up Zoominar or peruse my For The Love Of Divorce Online Course. ⁠

You are worthy of all the abundance life has to offer. ❤️✨⁠

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