Our Children's Path

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“Charlie and Margot, look over there like you are looking at something and you don’t know I am taking the picture.”

They did. It worked!

I used to think this is how parenting should go at the beginning of raising my kids.

I tell them what to do and they follow.

Then I woke up and looked at parenting with a new lens.

Our children came through us, but they are not ours. They came for THEIR experience on THEIR path.

When we get that, we can love and guide without getting intertwined with our beliefs or past experiences.

We can allow the child to be who he or she came here to be, not what WE think they should be.

DAMN this is difficult to get, but so freeing and empowering.

Kid, be all of you. Whatever that is I support you and love you, Mom.