Money Is Just An Object


“It’s all about the money and there ain’t a damn thing funny.” Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five.⁠

Money has been an interesting thing for me and for most of us. We place so much emphasis on it. It’s as if it has some weird power to hold people back or feel bad about themselves if they don’t have enough of it. ⁠

I have a new relationship with money. I am doing what I love. I am being of service. I am moving forward every day to be more and spread more love. ⁠

As I live this positive plan, the universe meets me where I am. The universe meets all of us where we are. Take action, the universe gives you more. Step by step.⁠

The people who are organically coming onto my path to work with me now are blowing me away. It’s crazy. I am creating the empire of love that has been inside of me for the last 30 years. ⁠

When we are in line with our purpose, being of service and filled with joy, you can’t help but attract abundance. ⁠

The more I make the more good I can do. ⁠

Money is an object just like anything else. It has no power- we give it power. I am welcoming it like a long lost friend and in gratitude as it comes. ⁠

I am at peace with money and know that I will be abundantly rewarded in all areas of my life when I do my real work- inner work. ⁠

Are you feeling in lack? Are you feeling stuck? ⁠

Reach out to me by texting the word Leigh to the number 41242, answer a few automated questions then sign up for a complimentary 15-minute call with me. I’m excited to connect!⁠ Let’s shake things up. ⁠

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