I Got You

I do not think there is a more connecting and loving phrase than “I Got You”. This phrase touched me deeply while traveling in Dallas.

Since the experience that I talk about to on the clip above, I will not only remind myself and others

“You Are Not Alone” I will also add… “I Got You”.

I think feeling alone is the most painful feeling we can hold. It keeps us in low-level energy and depressed. Since my divorce has been playing out, my mind has told me repeatedly I am alone. I have to acknowledge that thought, thank it and tell it to take a hike.

Moving from my Head to my Heart, I am only listening to what comes from my heart. Not only do strangers have me all day long, but God has me too- whether I tap into it or not. The best is to go within and tell ourselves, “I Got You”. As we do this, we no longer search outside of ourselves for assurance or approval. We are Connected, WORTHY and Enough just as we are.

Let someone know today, “I Got You”. Let more people know tomorrow. I encourage you to have an awareness of how many people “Got” you too.

You Are Not Alone. I Got You. I love you. ❤️✨

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